Pricus Marine adds Multibeam Echosounders, Inertial Navigation Systems, and Sound Velocity Profilers to their equipment pool

Pricus Marine has expanded their equipment pool with a sizeable investment in  hydrographic survey equipment.

The investment includes the addition of two R2Sonic 2024 Multibeam Echosounders.  These units are well proven and provide high resolution bathymetric survey data.

Quality bathymetric data requires accurate position data.  To accomplish this, Pricus Marine has acquired two POSMV Ocean-masters.  These are some of the most accurate positioning systems on the market and can contribute to exceptionally accurate geo-referencing of subsea data.

In order to collect correct bathymetry data, Pricus Marine acquired two AML-3 Sound Velocity profilers.

David Nielsen, Pricus Marine’s Founder, said: “We chose to partner with Echo81 for the purchase of this equipment because of their commitment to customer support.  R2Sonic, AML, and Applanix all have long track records of reliable performance and produce excellent data quality.”

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R2Sonic 2024 Multibeam EchosounderAML 3 Sound Velocity ProfilerPOSMV Oceanmaster